The Tank - 1.0

I considered many options for the tank. One option was to do what I did in the oder Mercedes and mount a round tank in the spare tire well. After much thought and research I decided that I would make a wedge shaped tank and mount it in the back of the trunk just behind the diesel tank. My first version was 6" across the bottom, 17" across the top, 17" tall and 37" wide. This set up would give me almost 30 gallons. However, the more I thought about it the more I thought I wanted to be able to fit two suitcases in the trunk. The first design only allowed me to fit one suitcase. The design I settled on is 6" across the bottom, 12" across the top, 17" tall and 37" wide. I'm hoping to cut out the aluminum next week and start construction.

1 comment:

Brandon Power Photography said...

do what cheaters in NASCAR do and use an extra 20 feet in fuel line routed under neath the car, then you could have extra fuel to spare.